
Recently I finished my first module of the French course, it was very interesting to get to know different types of people. For me is always a pleasure to be able to connect with all of them even though we don’t speak the same language. Particularly this course gave me the opportunity to talk in 4 different languages every day, Spanish, English, Portuguese and the few things we were learning in French between each other. As we all came from different countries we all spoke different languages and few of them weren’t able to communicate between each other unless it was about the few things we learned in French or pure body language… fun right? 😃

The very last day to celebrate that we finished the course plus we were fortunate to cross paths with each other, we had a get together and food from different countries came along. Chilean solapillas, Philippine noodles, Pakistani rice an chicken, Salvadorian flavor egg tortilla and lemon pie.  

In the end, is more about the skills, what we learned and we got from the experience sharing every day the classes, breaks, the connection between each other and that we will be able to keep contact and grow friendships!

Cecilia she came along to be happy and get married to her future husband, after raising 4 kinds, she is ready to travel the world and enjoy every as much as she can of her future travels. Her Chilean food was amazing!

Gabesh, this kid came from the African country of Eritrea which my mind at first couldn’t locate on the map, yeap a bit embarrassing . Dear Gabesh, if you want a little piece of advice, keep trying you already got this far and I see your determination to learn French, how you didn’t miss any class and how you hard you tried. 
                        Keep going, I hope you find the path you are yearning for!

Kamran, your humour is very joyful and you bring a big smile to everyone every day, this guy no questions asked offered to buy a coffee to everyone, every day of the course! You are so selfless and caring and that is quality I admire from you, my best for you and family.

Kurban, talking to this guy was always a challenge. He only speaks Turkish! Aie aie aie.. but body language saved us and we were able to communicate, even though it was only through laughs and smiles, sooner or later we will speak in French together and figure everything we couldn’t!

Magdalena, very quiet but very caring, always quietly laughing and being part of the group, I’m telling you determination will take you far and yes I’m talking about the French and anything you have in mind.

Maricel, her determination to learn is to admire, she asked questions and questions and even though she forgot, she kept trying to participate and do mimics, she is very cheerful and caring, you show your emotions and you aren't afraid of them, you go girl!

Mohammed, like me, after two years in Belgium finally started with the French, he is very smart and I know your plans ahead will take you were you want to be I hope to keep in touch.

Mark, always participating and sharing a smile, he came with his family and he is learning french at the same time.

Maxi, finally came to Belgium for love, he is a musician ready to form his show which for as far as I know is very interesting and I'm more than sure that with persistence and determination will succeed. 

Omerkhel, coming from Afghanistan he manages very well several languages Urdu and Pashto, his English is very fluent and learning french and Netherlands will take you far keep being charismatic and smiley as you are.

Soleni, cheerful Brazilian lady, always inviting us to her Brazilian events joyfully and always shared a big time laugh with all, no matter what she is going through, she always made us smile even in Portuguese.

And why not.. mention my favorite three flags, the one where I was born and grew up, which is  Mexico.

 Panama which gave me more than a home a sense of belonging in such a warm and            beautiful place plus the fact that my friend Eras gave me the last spot in the course and I  was able to have this wonderful experience! Special thanks to him.

And last but not least...
Belgium the place where all the people mentioned above, now call HOME!! ♥ Belgique!


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